Ján Králik

I am 27 years old, I am studying the program “Regional Development – Economic Policy and Administration” at the “Faculty of social and economic studies” at Jan Evangelista University in Usti nad Labem (UJEP). I graduated the program “Geography in Regional Development” at “Faculty of Science” at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra in 2011. During my studies I implemented several work and study tours. I passed Erasmus (study visit to the Czech Republic, work placement in Iceland). Work experience I acquired in England, mainly in companies in warehousing and manufacturing. Through the program of the Czech “Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports” looked to Vietnam, where I studied economics, tourism, Vietnamese culture and language. Devoted to foreign students as their tutor. I contribute as editor-volunteer in various projects with their observations, experiences (“Zpravodaj UJEP”) and by articles for the students (www.mladiinfo.cz).

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Nejnovější příspěvky autora Ján Králik

Aktualizace k 18. SAARC summitu na sociálních médiích

  3. prosinec 2014

Probíhající summit Jihoasijského sdružení pro regionální spolupráci (SAARC) byl pokryt mezinárodními médii z různých perspektiv. Nicméně neoficiální iniciativy, jako 18th SAARC Summit blog a účty na Facebooku, Twitteru a Google+, seskupovaly aktualizace...